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« Sunday, April 17th, 1977 | Main | ArtRock 2006 »


whitney houston

oh wow, you're still here. wow. and you're still writing about nothing. wow. impressive.


Perfect timing..the rain just stopped in San Francisco. It's been raining here for what seems like months straight! It just stopped about two days ago and now it's wonderful! Sounds like a great time.


You lucky dog!


Mental note to scour the Eagle and Lonestar on sunday in hopes of an Oliver sighting.


wow talk about nothing. Snooze

Tony R

Oh brother, Ollie. Why can't we all lead lives as rich and glamorous as you? Depeche and the Sisters? *melt*

Kenny T

FarStucker! Glad you still have it in you. I was getting worried.


All those bands at Coachella? I f'n envy you!

Running around the Scissor Sisters bus in your underwear? So that kinda makes you the male Pamela Des Barres? ;-)


where is Scott when we need him? We only suffer Ollie's babbling so we can read Big Scott's related Op-Ed

Bobby Brown

You are so amazing. I wish I was you because you are all that! Now i have to go beat my crack Hoe. Come here Whitney.

Kenny T

Tony, I think this one is even too far out there for Scott to comment on.....


Shoreline is a great place to see a show. The place was built on top of an old garbage dump and they used to have small flaming vents roped off where they burned off the methane gas trying to escape. Also the south stairwell at the back of the hill is built at a tilt...walking down it you get the brief sensation of being in a MC Escher drawing. Shoreline is a trip.


I'm going to Coachella, but now it's totally disappointing because I won't be having near as much fun as you will. Hmph!


Oh please, you said you'd go "if...."? Shit. If I had a chance to hop on that tour bus, there would be no if's and's or but's.

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